Ethnic GEMS Archives

Ethnic GEM, Walter Morton
Ethnic GEM, Walter Morton TITLE: Hamden’s Director of Legislative Affairs/ Hamden Board of Education Hamden, Mayoral Candidate COMPANY: City of Hamden STATE: Hamden, CT

Ethnic GEM, Michael James
Ethnic GEM, Michael James TITLE: Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer (CDEIO) COMPANY: Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA), STATE: Boston, MA Submitted by Leonard

Ethnic GEM: Dr. Kristen Nwanyanwu, MD, MBA, MHS
Ethnic GEM, Dr. Kristen Nwanyanwu, MD, MBA, MHS TITLE: Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Science COMPANY: Yale School of Medicine STATE: New Haven, CT

Ethnic GEM, Dr. Ebonie Woolcock, MD, MPH
Ethnic GEM, Dr. Ebonie Woolcock, MD, MPH TITLE: Obstetrics and Gynecology COMPANY: Boston Medical Center/Codman Square Health Center STATE: Boston, MA Submitted by Leonard

Ethnic GEM: Fallon Thomas
Ethnic GEM, Fallon Thomas TITLE: Community Liaison for the New Haven Hiring Initiative COMPANY: Yale University STATE: New Haven, CT Submitted by Leonard Webb

Ethnic GEM, Stephanie Caban
Program Chair Manager, Post University, Connecticut Chief Diversity Officer, The Malcolm Baldrige School of Business Written by Wesley Webb, Senior Writer Stephanie Caban has been

Ethnic GEM: Kevin Cherry
Chief Financial Officer Kevin Cherry joined Upham’s Corner Health Center in 2021 to assume responsibility for the organization’s financial health and management. He arrived with

Ethnic GEM, Miguel Caban
Senior Solutions Engineer Datto, Connecticut Written by Wesley Webb, Senior Writer The current jobs available in technology are severely underrepresented for People of Color

Ethnic GEM, Adriana Dawson
Ethnic GEM, Adriana Dawson Director, Community Engagement State Government Affairs, Rhode Island, Verizon Written by Senior Writer Wesley Webb “I’m in a season of YES

Ethnic GEM: Kenneth Holmes
Kenneth Holmes recently joined UNH as the senior vice provost for student life. He comes to us from Howard University where he was

Ethnic GEM: Lacee Satcher
Boston College Assistant Professor of Sociology and Environmental Studies Lacee Satcher has received the American Sociological Association Dissertation Award for “(Un)Just Deserts: Examining the

Ethnic GEM: Mark Brevard
Mr. Brevard is a graduate from The University of Connecticut. He was employed by Xerox Corporation in New York City, where he worked for 18