The I Promise School (IPS) is a public elementary school located in Akron, Ohio, that is supported by the LeBron James Foundation. IPS provides free breakfast, lunch, and snacks for all students. Bussing is also offered to children who live within two miles, and every child receives a free bike!

The school provides many educational incentives for its students, and it also provides services for parents. Parents have access to an on-site food bank and educational programs, providing them with the opportunity to earn their GED. This creates a tremendous opportunity to change the dynamic of the entire community.

Recent Statistics indicate the school has been an immediate success! Check out these stats provided by USA Today:
90% of students – who started the school year at least one year behind grade level – met or exceeded their expected growth in math and reading
Third-graders went from 1st percentile to 18th percentile in math
Fourth-graders went from 2nd percentile to 30th percentile in math
All IPS students were below grade level in reading, and now, 23% of students scored at or above 25th percentile in reading, putting them at or near grade level

In addition to the schools’ academic success, it also maintains a 20-to-1 student-teacher ratio, year-round programming, and a 9-to-5 school day. In a recent article, James stated, “The sky is the limit for these kids, and the results we’re seeing are just the beginning.”
The foundation also announced a focus on hands-on STEM education, with an emphasis on developing problem-solving skills. As educators and leaders, we must do our part to ensure a prosperous future for all of our children.